
Wasabi and talent.

Wasabi. What does it make you think of?

At Sagana Talent, it makes us think of how a little bit of something can pack a big punch. Small, easy-to-implement tools and processes will make a big difference in your team’s experience – and, therefore, retention and productivity.

Here are some “talent-wasabi” suggestions to start 2023:

  • Build job description templates with inclusive language – to save time and improve hiring quality. Our favorite tool for this is Develop Diverse. Email me if you’d like to see how it works

  • Implement a buddy system for new joiners – so they immediately have a colleague they can ask questions to and connect with in a “safe” way. This is particularly useful if you have a remote team, as there are less opportunities for team members to connect casually

  • Develop a “talent pitch” to share the benefits of working at your organization. You have an investor pitch, right? Develop a version that’s tailored to potential new joiners. Make sure all of your all team members know it

  • Use culture-fit interview questions in your interview process. It’s not fool-proof, but you’ll get much closer to a fit if you ask questions that dig into a candidate’s values, ways of working and attitude. Invest in this – because one bad culture fit hire can reduce your team’s productivity by 36%. A word of caution, it’s important to base your assessment of culture fit on your company’s values – because just “liking someone” doesn’t mean they are suited to your culture

  • At Sagana Talent, we encourage our clients to develop right-sized talent practices versus big, clunky HR stuff (especially if you don’t have a HR team yet). Be in touch if you’d like to explore the intersection of wasabi, talent, and fast-growing impact companies. We are here to help!


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